Tuesday, March 22, 2016

HDMI-CEC RPi2 with Kodi seems to conflict with Chromecast

My RPi2/Kodi goes nuts when I turn off the TV+AVR. It constantly sends some signals that turn on the AVR, turn off the AVR and the Standby LED from my TV goes crazy, like it is turning on and then immediately off again. There is some fighting going on over something.

Setup: Philips TV connected to Sony AVR that has Chromecast as HDMI1 and RPi2 running latest stable OpenELEC connected to HDMI2. CEC is enabled in Kodi with everything on OFF or IGNORE (like auto power on/off).

Here is the log where I turn off the TV and the crazy starts: http://ift.tt/1VyxBP1

Problem started a few weeks ago or so. I had the OSMC Jarvis build running when it came out without a problem and suddenly the problem started happening. It's the same with the latest OpenELEC (Isengard and Jarvis builds) now.

If I disconnect the Chromecast this "CEC command fire" from Kodi stops. I had this setup running now for 6+ month and it worked without major problems.

Anyone know what is going on here? I asked in the Pulse-Eight/libcec Github but no one answered there.

from xda-developers http://ift.tt/1SeJkz9

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