Saturday, April 23, 2016

Issues with battery life

So I've had this phone now for probably 3 months or so, but ever since I got it I've had some issues with the battery life in general, but it has only gotten worse by time and it's driving me crazy. Right now I'm barely even able to go through a day of using the phone without having to bring a charger with me and re-fill the battery, even with only 2-3 hours of on-screen time at most (no games either, just social media like facebook and snapchat etc.).

I've tried many steps to try to fix the issues, at first I tried to restore my phone using Samsung Smart Switch and that did not help resolving the issue. I've also tried to disable apps using Package Disabler Pro and I've also disabled GPS and NFC, but that didn't help at all.

Is there anything more I can do, or shall I just get it sent back for repairs?

Here's some screenshots showing off the issue:

from xda-developers

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