Saturday, April 23, 2016

Samsung Go Prime, Unauthorized Software Notification Locked My Phone

Ok so I'm not sure where to put this thread and please forgive my bad grammar and punctuation if I have any. I already read some threads on this forum about a problem like mine and tried to follow the instructions to get back into my phone, but none of it worked so....

I have a Samsung Go Prime that I bought from Wal-Mart for around $100. I rooted it, and got the message "unauthorized software has been found on your phone, please take it to nearest AT&T etc etc". So I did just that, took it to AT&T, called up Samsung customer care on the phone, and took the phone to some sort of Samsung representative or worker person in Best Buy and nobody seems to be able to help me. I downloaded Odin and Philz Touch and tried to flash that and I kept getting Nand fail. I tried Kies and evidently Sammobile website doesn't seem to have the firmware I need either.

Somebody plleeeaassee help me. I had to pay another $100 just to get another phone so now I feel like I wasted $100 for a phone that wont work now. Maybe I didn't use Odin or Philz Touch firmware properly or didn't follow a certain instruction correctly at some point?

Any help would be massively appreciated.

from xda-developers

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