Monday, March 21, 2016

LG G4 MM having WiFI Problems or is it just me? Any fixes?

Since upgrading to Marshmallow I have been having several issues. Battery life, bluetooth, standby time. But the thing bothering me the most is how slow WiFi is I have 300mbps internet from TWC which is flawless and more than capable of handling video playback and network browsing. I have a dual band router 2ghz and 5ghz I have tried both of them on my G4 and they're both the same sometimes webpages take forever to load and so do YouTube videos (They never buffer they just take long to load). I went on YouTube and also searched online and it seems other people are also having these issues. Anyone know what might be causing it or any fixes? My home internet is just fine all my other devices preform excellent and I do daily power cycles to my router to keep it healthy.

from xda-developers

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