Sunday, February 28, 2016

LG Development contact

Hi all. I'm posting this in General because it's a general request. I'd like to see if we can pressure LG a little by sending as many requests as we possibly can to get them to reconsider their stance on this locked bootloader crap. Here is a copy of what I sent. I encourage everyone to register at the LG Developer site and post their requests. I also emailed them at with the following:

Originally Posted by DaemeonZane
To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to you today with a request for more information regarding the locked bootloader of all LG G4 devices, save the European G4 variant, the H815.

In the past, LG has been a developer friendly company that has, albeit somewhat grudgingly, supported development of custom software for their devices. As the owner of many LG devices, it saddens me to no end that your company no longer seems to support the unlocking of its many Android devices.

Unlocking one variant whilst refusing to even consider unlocking the others in a series is tantamount to shooting yourselves in the foot as a company. While many believe that securing the bootloader will prevent warranty issues with the devices in question, by not allowing the software (and hardware) to be utilised to its full potential, you run the risk of people attempting to modify their phones through unsupported and unsafe means, increasing the overall cost of replacements and repairs to both yourself as well as the companies you supply with these devices.

Furthermore, you have not released the source for all the G4 variants, which makes testing almost impossible.

We, the staff at Tofflemire Tech Solutions, as well as the development community as a whole, respectfully request that you consider unlocking the bootloaders of your devices, specifically the G4 and G5 variants. We also respectfully request that, should you continue to keep these bootloaders locked, that you provide us with a reason as to why they cannot/should not be unlocked.


David Tofflemire, Lead Consultant
Tofflemire Tech Solutions

from xda-developers

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