Monday, February 29, 2016

Mele F10 Deluxe Airmouse custom .kl for AFTV

I'm attaching a custom keyboard layout that configures the Mele F10 Deluxe's buttons (in "MY BOX" mode) to match the AFTV remote. I've also commented out the device keys on the bottom of the Mele F10 (TV, STB, etc.) so they don't send rogue commands to the AFTV. Finally, the GO button on the QWERTY side is mapped to "PLAY/PAUSE" so it makes sense with AFTV's text input.

NOTE: The forum won't allow .kl attachments, so please rename the .txt extension back to .kl before use.

For some sideloaded apps, it might be easier to leave the center button mapped to RETURN instead of DPAD_CENTER. In case it's useful, I'm attaching this layout file as "Vendor_1915_Product_0196.kl.ALTERNATE" (please change the extension to .kl before copying it to your keylayout folder).

To place the custom .kl file:

adb push Vendor_1915_Product_0196.kl /sdcard/
adb shell
mount -o remount,rw /system
mv /sdcard/Vendor_1915_Product_0196.kl /system/usr/keylayout/
chmod 644 /system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1915_Product_0196.kl
chown system.system /system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_1915_Product_0196.kl
mount -o remount,ro /system

new keymap takes effect on reboot

Changes (based on Generic.k)l:

Center Button - Scancode 28 remapped to DPAD_CENTER
Back Button - Scancode 165 remapped to MEDIA_REWIND
Foreward Button - Scancode 163 remapped to MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD
Home Button - Scancode 102 remapped to HOME
GO Button - Scancode 217  remapped to MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE
Game Button: Scancode 64 (commented out)
STB Button: Scancode 87 (commented out)
MyBox Button: Scancode 68 (commented out)
TV Button: Scancode 88 (commented out)

from xda-developers

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