Monday, May 30, 2016

Review: MKBHD dBrand Skins for OnePlus 2

Review for the MKBHD dBrand Skins for OnePlus 2

Why I got the skins
I am subscribed to the Massdrop newsletter which I saw a skin pack from MKBHD by dbrand, containing a black, white and red skin for the back of the phone. I checked for which devices these skins where available for and lo and behold it was available for the OnePlus 2, so I ordered them straight away

After receiving the skins, I was actually quite impressed with the packaging by both Massdrop and dbrand. In the picture below you can see it was held in a plastic wallet with a cover on it. The over contains the MKBHD logo and on the back there's some social media links to MKBHD, nothing too much special on the cover.

Package contents
The package contained three skins: black, white, red and their accompanying OnePlus logos (also in those three colours). Nothing too special in this aspect as the skins are what you expect them to be. They are thick carbon fibre textured, high quality skins. The cutouts are absolutely perfect on the skins. Also dbrand has given us 4 logo cutouts per colour, so don't worry about messing it up. I luckily did it in one go so that means I could potentially use the cutouts again.

Applying the skin
dbrand are very helpful in this aspect, they provide you a video which can be found on their website on how to apply a skin to your specific device. The application on the OnePlus 2 was quite easy as you can align the cutout of the skin to the camera to make it fit perfectly. It took me a couple of times trying but I managed to do it (I used my sandstone cover). I am not giving you a guide on here so if you want to know how to apply your skin just check the video out on their website. The logo cutouts were a bit fiddly as they are very small but like I mentioned above you have 4 different individual logo cutouts.

I have used this skin quite extensively over the past 4 weeks and I have to say that this skin is quite solid, so far no marks or tears on the skin. Big ups to dbrand creating these high quality skins. I will of course update this thread if it eventually does.

Final verdict
I give these skins a 8.5/10. I can explain why I have given this score. The skins are absolutely perfect until I what I noticed a few days ago. I wanted to take my cover of to replace it with another styleswap cover, but noticed that the skin was covering the area where you would normally clip of the cover. dbrand could've very easily fixed this by just adding a small indent so you can still take of your cover. I had to DIY cut it off with a razor blade but left a few scuffs. That is why I have given this product a 8.5/10

Logo cutout
Skin of the phone

Cutout fail
Cutout fail

In no way am I affiliated or sponsored by dbrand, MKBHD and/or Massdrop. This is my honest view on this product and am not biased in any sort of way.

from xda-developers

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