Sunday, May 29, 2016

Swiftkey??? Is being acquired by Microsoft as we speak!!!!

Let me start of by saying: whoa!!! I know this has been in the works for a couple months so this may not be news to those who have adamantly been following Swiftkey's every move(pun intended). But for those of you who are just now tuning in :confused::confused::confused: like myself WTF man.

So to tell you how I stumbled upon this, I was casually using the "God-forbidden" Google keyboard and being that I have big fingers I tend to use gesture input more often than not and Google's prediction is still lackluster compared to my trusty Swiftkey, I thought, while remembering that when I did a clean wipe to install PureNexus I forgot to install Swiftkey. So I proceeded to complete such a task straight away, however in the process of "click PlayStore" "Search SwiftKey" "Install Swiftkey" and I did something everyone rarely does after install, I read the :mad:Terms of Service:mad:

And Now here I am shocked and appalled. I don't know why but I honestly didn't mind that they ported to iOS and such (which I also didn't know til today) but the Microsoft move is dealbreaker for me. R.I.P Swiftkey. Its only a matter of time and I'm the type to cut ties before the worse happens. I loved you like a stepbrother' adopted child. You shall be remembered for the good times and not the bad.

Thanks everyone in advance, send your condolences to Swiftkey and in the meantime would someone please point me in the direction of a comparable keyboard because honestly the best keyboard I've ever used was (believe or not) the Oppo Keyboard.

from xda-developers

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